we are loving life. blake is busy with his new company, Keyser. he loves his work, his clients, and his team. these people are amazing. check out their website and read about the principles they operate from. i am so happy for him.
when i am not at work, i am finding fun projects around our house. i wanted to wait until the house was in a more finished state before i posted more pictures but i think that may be a while before it gets to that point. today marks the 4 month mark of us being in our house.
no that we have some pillows in the front room it feels like is coming together. i still want to replace the curtains in the front with navy rather than the black they are now but i am struggling to find a drapery fabric that i like well enough.
(ps these photos are from my phone so they are not the best quality)
the chair in the corner was a project for me. i sanded it down and painted it one day, then had my mom help me recover it. the yellow chevron was a little intense at first but it helps brighten up the room so its growing on me.
and we sold our old table with the chairs we had to find new bar stools. we found these.
my most recent projects i needed my dad's help with (he owns tools, i don't). he helped me fix some base boards in the master (now i can finally get it painted), and fix my front gate. whoever built it did an awful job. when we would try to open it, it would drag on the ground and it was falling apart. so we added a cross-bar and replaced some other pieces and raised the latch, then the next weekend i got it all painted. now it finally functions like a gate should. (don't mind the paint chips on the ground around it. i had to scrape all the old paint off- the pieces got everywhere.)
we are excited for new projects and for the house to keep looking and feeling more like our own. we love that we were able to stay in our ward. the Lord had plans for us here. i can't wait to find out what all of those plans include.