Tuesday, August 2, 2011

precept upon precept

soon after blake returned from his mission in argentina he went on a trip with his mom to israel and egypt and perhaps a few other places.  (if you haven't met my mother-in-law you are missing out.  she is full on knowledge and passion for the scriptures, especially the old testament.  she has taught institute for years and now just got a calling in her ward to be the relief society president.  she doesn't know for sure if she is teaching institute for this coming semester, but told me the only way she could have time to do both is if she taught "something easy...like Isaiah.")

blake was just sustained as the new early morning seminary teacher for arcadia high school.  next week blake begins his new calling very early in the morning and i can think of no one better suited for it.  he is teaching the old testament this year and lucky for him his mother is who i said above.  i'm sure his being on that trip with his mom gave him some interesting perspective that will help him in his teaching, but more than that, his whole life has prepared him for this.  he is going to do such an amazing job with these kids.  he has such a profound influence on them, and they not only honor and respect him, but they love him.

1 comment:

  1. he really is going to be amazing with them. those kids are lucky! good luck balke.
