Friday, March 30, 2012

the first born in the wilderness

well i finally have a moment to blog again.  i am thinking it may take me all year to get through this tribute to my mission companions but i think it would help make it a great year.  most of my pictures from my early mission are on my parent's computer so this is the only one i could find of me and my trainer, sister jesica lopez from argentina.  this is the traditional "generation picture."  sister glancy was sister lopez trainer, sister lopez trained me, and i trained sister mckay (stay tuned for a tribute to her later on).  i can't think about sister lopez without thinking about love and service.  there was not a day that went by when we were together that she did not serve me.  and she had such a intense love for everyone we met and taught.  God knew what he was doing when he inspired President stewart to put us together. she has such a big heart and was a hard worker.  i used to tease her that she used to teach in her sleep.  i would wake up in the middle of the night to her saying something like, "Heavenly Father loves you, yes."  i eventually took after her months later when i was in montana i started teaching in my sleep.  i guess it runs "in the family."  i will always have a special place in my heart for sister lopez.  i wasn't good about showing that appreciation while we were together, but i hope she knows how much i love her.

since the mission, my sweet jesica is now married and has a little baby (pictured below) that i refer to as my baby sister.  jesica refers to me as "her first born in the wilderness."

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I just wish my English was better by then haha but to me that was a BEAUTIFUL TRANSFER.I'm very grateful for you and your good example as a missionary of the Lord. One thing I will never forget was your faithfulness trying to convince the anti-Mormon people that the church is true, haha THAT WAS A GREAT DAY HUH!?
    Love ya Florecita, I will always be grateful to Heavenly Father for putting us together again!
