Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"man, dis is sucks"

i can't think about my transfer with sister reupena without hearing in my head funny things she would quote like, "man, this is sucks."  a phrase that doesn't describe her attitude.  she was always happy and laughing.  again my pictures from this transfer are on my parent's computer but this picture above shows one of my favorite times during our transfer.  we had water olympics for morning exercise that turned into a major water fight.  our team was "the office" as we all were in the office that transfer. 

one thing i remeber the most about sister reupena is the tremendous amount of love and charity she had.  she would give anyone the shirt off of her back and as a companion was constantly serving me and doing kind things for me (whether i deserved them or not).  i remember during transfer calls when they announced that i was going to be companions with sister reupena.  i didn't know who she was since she had been on her outbound ever since i was there, but everyone kept telling me how lucky i was, and how funny she was, and what a great transfer it was going to be.  they were right about everything.  its kind of crazy how the mind works, but as i sit here thinking about her i can almost smell our apartment, and the hair product she would use when she would curl her hair.  she always had the most beautiful hair.  (see below).  regretfully, i have not kept in very good contact with marja since we have been home from our missions, but i know she is serving the Lord and everyone around her.  thank you for your example, marja.

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