so over a month ago i got my ring caught on a ledge as i was catching myself from a fall. as seen on the picture above, this fall took some of my skin but my ring did a number on my finger. as i noticed my finger turn purple as my swelling finger was losing circulation i called my brother who works in the ER and told him that i needed him to get my ring off. i drove out to the hospital, he met me in my car with some supplies and suggested we cut the ring off of my finger that had now swelled up pretty big. i really didn't want my ring cut so asked him to please try to just pull it off using some lubricant. i screamed bloody murder as he twisted and pulled my ring off. it hurt. he wrapped it up for me and gave me some stuff to keep it clean. i had to cut the flaps of skin off and it eventually healed over a few weeks. i only have part of a scab left. the problem now is that the swelling won't go down and i still have trouble gripping things since my finger can't bend all the way which makes dental hygiene work a little tough at times. at least its my left hand. so after weeks of no improvement i had a classmate take an x-ray at school using dental films. i don't know how to interpret x-rays but it didn't look broken to me. well, my husband and father and pretty much everyone i talked to said i should go see a doctor. so i went to see someone this morning and brought print outs of my dental-film-x-rays of my finger with me. and its broken apparently. not badly but he said i should go see a hand specialist. silly really. i have broken this same finger back in elementary school and it healed just fine. why now does it give me so much trouble? i have a beautiful wedding ring that i want to wear and i don't think i will have that chance for a long while. i guess i could have cut it off after all. it would have been fixed long before i will be able to fit it back on my chubby, scarred-up finger. so to another doctor i go.
oh my painful! hope your hand is okay!