Tuesday, April 10, 2012

the teacher becomes the student

so you may remember me mentioning this beautiful girl when talking about my trainer.  well this is the one and only sister karen mckay.  i remember finding out that i was training a few days before transfers actually happened, it was the day that the incoming sisters did their visitor's center experience and who come from the mtc on a bus a spend the afternoon/evening on exchanges with one of the currently serving sisters to get an idea of what they were coming to in a few short days.  i was so afraid of meeting any of the sisters from the mtc because i didn't want to form any ideas about anyone until the day the got there.  the only one i ended up meeting was sister mckay.  i only talked to her briefly in the break room but walked away thinking that she was the sweetest girl ever and that she was a total babe, (don't let the goofy faces we were making in the above picture fool you).  sure enough we were assigned as companions through inspiration.  i learned so much from sister mckay during the transfer we were together.  at first she was a little afraid of talking to people on the square or to lead a tour, but she slowly but surely gained confidence.  i loved watching her throughout her mission and having a psudo-parent's pride while hearing her teach.  what i really loved about her though, was her purity.  there was never a front she would put on, what you saw was what you got; and what you got was really, really great. 

again, i have not kept in great contact with karen.  we did ok at it right when she got home, but since then we have slipped up.  i know that she is creating materpieces wherever she is.  she is so gifted in music and art.  i miss you, karen.


  1. I ALWAYS wanted to serve a mission, it was my plan. Then I married Bruce instead and started having babies... ha ha. But I love that plan too. Though I can imagine a mission would have been amazing.
    I loved seeing you and Blake a few nights ago at the Clint and Angela's. You guys are so fun, so sweet.
    And congratulations on 2 years. WHAT, I can't believe it has been that long.
    If you need some pictures... maybe I should just send you the pictures you guys took of yourselves kissing with my camera in your scripture character outfits..... ha ha. :)

    1. cherryl, i loved my mission. my mission was to serve as a full time missionary. you were called to serve as a mother of 6(+?). i'm pretty sure i got the less labor intensive mission. haha.

      i have no idea how 2 years happened so fast. time just goes faster and faster.

      ps i would love a copy of that picture blake took of our scripture character outfits.
